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Conwai Liquidity and Locks


Primary Liquidity of Conwai token

Primary Liquidity of Conwai token

Contract addresses and explorers

Official Endorsed Addresses

The following addresses are the only officially endorsed addresses related to the Conwai team:

Address NameEthereum Name Service (ENS)Ethereum Address
Conwai Treasuryconwaitreasury.eth0xC2872c67975f7d3CA71F64EfB247B7fAfb9908E6
Conwai BDconwaibd.eth0x40D8Ab77F4D3EE6c28EEF4060D5583A7D112c81D
Conwai Researchconwairesearch.eth0xD76FA002C1853ba077237B05D1AA1fB1dc68E932
Conwai Communityconwaicommunity.eth0x68FB25b55CF57fDD8269D2ee57cc6D74e43872fa
Conwai Opsconwaiops.eth0x04EBebdC631d99De790BD82674f7B95f7779a8f1

Tokens and Liquidity Locks

Locked Tokens

  • 87% of Conwain tokens (8.7B) are locked in Sablier until December 18th, 2024, 14:00 HKT.
    🔗 Verify the lock on Sablier

  • After December 18th, 2024, the 87% will transition to milestone-based or cliffed vesting smart contracts where relevant.

    • Note: Until the relevant smart contracts are published and audited, the lock will be rolled forward in time.

Circulating Supply Breakdown (5.8%)

CategoryPercentage (%)Details
Public (Flat Price Sale)2.8%1120791 / 2000000 * 5%
Uniswap Listing3%
Solana Liquidity1%Portal Bridge, DeBank
  • Total Circulating Supply: 6.8%

Liquidity Lock

Liquidity will be locked to ensure trust and transparency. Link will be published here.

Liquidity Distribution

In many projects, the standard approach is to raise a certain amount of ETH or USD and post only a small percentage (typically 10-15%) as liquidity. This liquidity is often distributed as a full range, covering a wide spectrum of potential prices. The downside of this approach is significant: if participants in the raise collectively decide to exit, the liquidity pool cannot support such selling pressure, leading to massive realized losses.

We take a fundamentally different approach:

  1. All raised funds are posted back as liquidity.
    This ensures that there is sufficient liquidity to support the market, aligning incentives between the project and participants.

  2. Liquidity is concentrated on the bid side.
    Instead of distributing liquidity across a wide range of prices, we concentrate it close to the raise price. This strategy allows participants to collectively exit with minimal slippage, maintaining a price close to the raise price.

The difference between these approaches is illustrated below:

Full range liquidity:

Full range liquidity

Our approach, thick and concentrated:

Our approach, thick and concentrated

So not only do we ensure that no one got tokens cheaper than participants in the flat price sale, we also ensure ample and proper liquidity on listing.

Note: For clarity, a new pool has to be initiated with full range liquidity. Therefore, we post a small portion as full-range liquidity and post the remaining USDT as concentrated bids.

Other officially endorsed marketplaces to trade CNW

If you are looking for a CEX to trade CNW you can go to the Ascendex Spot market for CNW.

If you prefer to trade on Solana, you can trade the officially Wormhole Wrapped Conwai token on Raydium or Jupiter.

To bridge the Conwai (Wormhole) between Ethereum and Solana use: Portalbridge by Wormhole and use mint address 2n4G5Gj9hYQHASZ46RajtJcjKLt6ZJaToVKMjNo7hE2S.